In spastic diplegia, the lower leg muscles are the most involved part of the body. Spasticity is most severe in the lower leg and it becomes less problematic as you […]
Cerebral Palsy – The Best Possible Outcome and How To Get It
Over my years of practice as a neonatologist and clinical neuroscientist, the most common question I have been asked is, “How bad is it?” quickly followed by “How do I […]
What Is Your Child’s Label?
The Gross Motor Functional Classification System or GMFCS is a new label applied to children with cerebral palsy and like all systems of classification, it has benefits and hazards. Person […]
Three R’s of Baby Brain Neuroplasticity
The working title of my new book is The Boy Who Could Run But Not Walk: How Neuroplasticity Rewires the Young Brain due out in September 2016. My final manuscript […]
Revolutionize Your Approach To Therapy This Summer
Doing “more of the same harder” is unlikely to produce significant change. Why not try something new this summer? Traditionally, most doctors and therapists have focused their work on the […]
Cerebral Palsy: The Timing of Damage is Important
Roughly 50% of children with CP have a defined perinatal risk factor and roughly 40% of the total number have Hemiplegia.1 Children with hemiplegia have damage on one side of […]
How Much Does It Hurt? Part 2
Most children and adults with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and Brachial Plexus Injury (BPI) live with chronic pain. The more severe the injury, the earlier the pain onset. I went […]
How Much Does It Hurt?
Three out of every four children with cerebral palsy and the majority with brachial plexus injury have chronic, moderate to severe pain (Level 7-10). In most cases, the pain relates […]
Will My Child Walk? Are We Doing the Right Therapy?
The ability of a child with cerebral palsy to walk independently or with an aid depends upon which parts of the body are affected [topography] and the severity of the […]
Spastic Diplegia – Cure For Some, Improvement For All
Spastic Diplegia is the most common form of cerebral palsy in children who have been born early. Every once in awhile, a child is born at term and develops typical, […]