Back to Basics – Alignment Comes First

The basic rule “Alignment Comes First”, applies to hands as much as it does to the legs, yet in my experience, very few children with brachial plexus injury (BPI) and/or […]

Core Support Options

As I have discussed last week, every pediatric therapy intervention that I am aware of aims, in part, to strengthen the core. And the exercises used should strengthen the core. […]

Minimize Maladaptive Motor Habits

Whatever you do, your body will learn to do better. If you are walking badly, your body will learn how to do badly better. Over a long period of time […]

Movement Starts With The Core

The overwhelming majority of small babies with damaged brains have perfectly normal posture during sleep. When they are awake and attentive, looking at you, but not moving, they are similarly […]

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly Facts About Growth and Recovery

The Good – The first 3 to 4 years are a period of active neuroplasticity in humans. Brain growth is explosive and there are many available neural networks. One of the best examples of early neuroplasticity is the exposure to language. If a child is raised hearing 2 or more languages, they are able to learn them all. In certain areas of Switzerland it is commonplace for children to be fluent […]

Evidence and Art by Kimberly Barthel, OTR

I recommend this book for two audiences. For the practitioner dealing with children who have an early neurologic injury, this is an exciting and readable textbook that gives valuable insights […]