Primary movement patterns explained

  Other video clips of Karen speaking: Karen at TEDx Winnipeg 2012 Habit Hides Recovery Babies with early brain damage or babies with BPI are the same. Uncovering normal neurology

Uncovering normal neurology

  Other video clips of Karen speaking: Karen at TEDx Winnipeg 2012 Habit Hides Recovery Babies with early brain damage or babies with BPI are the same. Primary movement patterns […]

Great Ideas

Medical knowledge is doubling every 5-10 years. In the fields of neuroscience, neuropsychology, neuroimaging, sports and exercise physiology it may even be faster. However, one of the major problems confronting families and their health care teams is availability. Please consult your physician and therapists before trying any of these suggestions.

Never Too Late

Seeing Christine on the tennis court, it is hard to believe that she was born with choreoathetosis, a type of cerebral palsy that affects all 4 limbs and speech. Christine is living proof that adults with cerebral palsy and other early neurological problems can continue to improve throughout life. Our old beliefs that adults would necessarily deteriorate as they age are not necessarily true.

Brachial Plexus Injury

Children with a C5-6 brachial plexus birth injury initially have difficulty raising their hand over their head. This young girl has the typical “lift your arm” posture. It is an early learned habit. Doing jumping jacks, she can easily elevate her shoulder. New skills demonstrate recovery masked by habit.

Cerebral Palsy

This young boy with left sided hemiplegia walks with a limp but runs well both with and without his AFO. His usual walk with a limp was learned early with the damaged, immature brain. It is more fluid run was learned later with the recovered, more mature brain.

Crawling: Normal, But Not Necessary

Most babies begin to crawl between the ages of 6 to 10 months. If a child has an early neurologic problem such as cerebral palsy or brachial plexus injury, both […]

The Invisible Gorilla

The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons – New York: Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, 2009 Where is the invisible […]

The Boy Who Could Run Better Than He Could Walk

All baby brains have the potential to recover to some extent and some may be cured completely. (Baby Brains Can Recover – Pediatric Neuroplasticity) What about the child who does […]