These are the main movement disorders seen in children with cerebral palsy. Collectively they now represent 10 to 15% of children with CP, but there is a much higher proportion […]
Athetosis, Choreoathetosis & Ataxia – Treat the Common Problem
A proportion of children with neonatal encephalopathy have damage to the brainstem nuclei and/or cerebellar damage. Depending upon the extent and site of damage, the child may have Ataxia, […]
Expectation Changes Intelligence
Recently, I have had several questions about intelligence in children with cerebral palsy and other early neurologic injuries or diseases. The key issue is whether or not you believe that […]
Quick Fixes – Take Your Therapist’s Hands Home with You.
For many children with quadriplegia or marked muscle weakness, one pair of hands is often not enough to help the child move well. A compressive garment is a Quick Fix. […]
Minimize Maladaptive Motor Habits
Whatever you do, your body will learn to do better. If you are walking badly, your body will learn how to do badly better. Over a long period of time […]
Deep Water Jogging for Gait Training
Children with an early neurological problem learn their first movements with a damaged nervous system. Baby brains do recover, but it takes time. It is difficult to study the process […]