Better Through Play-Don’t Waste the Summer
The neuropsychology and education worlds are telling us that unstructured play is important for brain growth and development. Play challenges the child’s brain and a very different way than...
Revolutionize Your Approach To Therapy This Summer
Doing “more of the same harder” is unlikely to produce significant change. Why not try something new this summer? Traditionally, most doctors and therapists have focused their work on...
Cerebral Palsy: The Timing of Damage is Important
Roughly 50% of children with CP have a defined perinatal risk factor and roughly 40% of the total number have Hemiplegia.1 Children with hemiplegia have damage on one side...
When Does Treatment Stop Being Research?
This is a critical question for the parents of any child with cerebral palsy or any other early neurologic injury. Why? “It is a research intervention, not covered by...
What Were You Told About Cerebral Palsy?
Parents of babies treated in a NICU learn that their baby has a “Brain Problem” earlier than many others who only realize that there is a problem when their...