Spasticity is a Body and Brain Habit

Spasticity is a term used to describe tone changes that are common in cerebral palsy. Unfortunately, it is a generic term that is effectively useless when applied to a specific […]

What About Spasticity?

I recently received a very good email from a parent asking about why I… and many others… seem to talk more about CP than about spasticity. She wants to know […]

Minimize Maladaptive Motor Habits

Whatever you do, your body will learn to do better. If you are walking badly, your body will learn how to do badly better. Over a long period of time […]

The Boy Who Could Run Better Than He Could Walk

All baby brains have the potential to recover to some extent and some may be cured completely. (Baby Brains Can Recover – Pediatric Neuroplasticity) What about the child who does […]